Get me out of here
A Non-Profit Organization for Child Abuse Survivors Learning to Thrive

Help Support Us is an incorporated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we receive 100% of our financial support from benefit fundraising events and charitable donations.

If you support the work we’re doing please consider:

  • volunteering your time
  • making a tax-deductable charitable donation

Direct Donations

You can donate through paypal using the donation button below


You can make a check or money order payable to:
P.O. Box 120
Felton, CA 95018

Donations Through Online Shopping

Here you can buy an t-shirt, or other items created by the Members.
We are working to raise awareness about abuse.


*** For USA members ***

In place of Google, consider using for your searching needs:
You can help isurvive earn funds, because we get a penny donation each time you use it.

You can also help us earn money by using it to shop.

  1. Please select isurvive as the charity you would like to support, and be aware that registration is completely FREE.
  2. Now login using your username / password.
  3. Finally, click any of the retailer links provided and then shop just as normal.


Easy Fundraising

*** For UK members ***

In place of Google, consider using for your searching needs:
You can help isurvive earn funds, because we get 0.5p donation each time you use it…

You can also help us earn money when you shop online using

Registration is completely FREE.

All you need to do – apart from bookmarking the site, is remember to log in there next time you are going to shop online.
Providing you login and use the retailer links provided they will track all your transactions and pay isurvive the appropriate donations.
These will then be displayed in your easyfundraising account (which you can access online).


Giving Assistant 

*** For USA members ***

Giving Assistant shoppers save money with cash back and coupon codes at over 3,000 online brands. Then, they have the option to donate a portion of their cash back earnings to charitable organizations. They also offer a free, convenient browser button that alerts shoppers when they’re on a cash back eligible site, and that automatically loads the latest promo codes, so shoppers don’t have to click away and search for coupons.

Go to to register for free, and be sure to select as the charity you wish to support.


All funds raised help support our site.

If you require further information please email;
Jonesy at