
A discussion area specifically for survivors who suffered physical, emotional, and verbal child abuse. This forum can also be used for Members who suffered sexual abuse at the time of physical, emotional and verbal abuse.

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Post by Chessgirl »

Have you ever known something for awhile but the severity and the seriousness of the thing just suddenly hit you? Well I’ve always known that there was a possibility that my mom cut my break line when I was 18, as the mechanic told me my break line was cut and she was the only person who has access to my car at the time and she was the only enemy I had… so I’ve always speculated but because I couldn’t prove it, I just never gave it a ton of focus. However recently it hit me that my mother attempted to murder me. I mean let’s call it what it is. She definitely did it too because ever since the incident I started noticing so many other bizarre things she would do to try to ruin things for me.

A person who is going to steal your valuable things but help you look for the very item that she took. A person who is going to bleach all of her daughters new clothes. Or tamper with my things to break them. A person who is going to call and get me fired from my internship. Those are psychopathic things that I knew without a shadow of a doubt were done by her on purpose. If she can do all those things which I know she did then it would make sense that she cut the break line.

No one else was there to do it. I watched on YouTube videos of crazy people caught on camera cutting break lines and I could just
Picture my mother doing that. She had to have gone down while everyone else was asleep
In the dark with a tool and done it. This middle aged school teacher who looks and acts like a saint. I am just so thankful I got my children away from her. I am safe but god I was really in danger for many years of my life, my actual life was in danger with that woman. Yes she was abusive but I don’t think it has ever sunken in that she could have and would have killed me… had it been caught on camera she would have been charged with murder!

All of a sudden this stream or anxiety has come over me and anger. I feel like sending my mom an email saying “I know what you did. I know all the things you did to me now. You tried to kill me” I just want them to know that I know everything now. Not only do I know that what they did to me was abuse and was not my fault as they have always tried to convince me… but they tried to destroy my life and end me. I will never get justice for this but thank god I don’t have her anywhere near my kids.

My daughter has been asking me about my mommy. I told her (3) that my mommy was very mean to me and hurt my feelings so I ran away from her and met daddy and started a family of my own. A couple days ago I heard her ask the babysitter “was your mommy mean to u” she asks people that question now. I read that you want to tell them in a way that makes sense for them and she’s only 3. She watches all those Disney movies like Cinderella and tangled with the Evil stepmother figure and I told her my mom was kind of like those characters. I had to get away from her. I know some people say you shouldn’t involve your kids in the drama with toxic or abusive parents but I also think my kids should know that my mom is dangerous and unsafe. Sorry to ramble today. Had to make sense of this stuff and write it all out. Thanks for reading
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Re: Murderer

Post by Progress »

That is an enormous acknowledgement to make. Wow, your mom was so sinister. What she tried to do to you was just unthinkable. And you literally couldn’t feel the severity of it until now. She was dangerous. I absolutely agree with your decision to keep your kids away from her. Your children’s safety is more important than anything. My ex cut the electrical wires to the thermostat one winter. I always wondered why the thermostat didn’t work, and me and my babies were freezing all the time. (I never said I was smart.) When I finally divorced him and had an electrician come in, the electrician/the expert said, Oh well here ya go, here’s the problem right here. The wires are cut. First, I was shocked. And then my head went into denial. Impossible. He wouldn’t have done that. Maybe he was trying fix it and got distracted, and then forgot about it for several years. But we were just freeeeeezing on cold winter days. It took me a long time to admit that he was a jerk and that was an a-hole move to do to your wife and kids.

The enormity hit me like a very delayed reaction, similar to yours. Cutting brakes lines is obviously more severe than cutting heat because that’s attempted murder!! Holy smokes! That’s insane! Stay away from that woman! She’s a menace! And a dangerous person! That makes her a criminal.

I think you are doing a great job with your kiddo. I like the way you explained it to her. Great job. :)

And I’m sorry you had to go through all that,
Posts: 1377
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Re: Murderer

Post by Chessgirl »

Thank you for your sweet and supportive words progress! Wow that’s a crazy story about your ex! He must be a narcissist like my mom. Although at times I think my mom was more of a sociopath or psychopath due to some of these criminal activities. She was just so good at covering her tracks. It’s really something that still blows my mind. I appreciate you validating me and helping me see that this was an accomplishment to acknowledge what I did.
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Re: Murderer

Post by Hyzenthlay »

Dude. I am having this same realization right now, about my mother and ex. It's like I forget. And like, what? What? It just doesn't make sense. Slashing my tires, cutting off my water, cutting a brake line, sabotaging jobs, possibly killing animals even. What, the, fuck. I just started remembering this because I sat down and forced myself to write it all out and it's just insane, I just forget, and I type psychopath in here and see your story. So I am thankful that you share, because it was validating for me at the very least, and you are not alone in that insanity. Like you say, steal something and then help you look for it. It's just insane.
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