Want to participate in a study?

A listing of upcoming events which may be of interest.

*Please note that isurvive.org does not officially endorse anything listed here.

Moderator: Jonesy

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Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

From time to time we receive inquiries from researchers looking for participants in their studies.
We have always responded that whilst we strongly agree on the importance of research, we do not have the staff required to vet studies or investigators. Therefore, we had a uniform policy of not allowing investigators to use our site to recruit study participants.

However we are supportive of responsible research into trauma related issues so, with this in mind, have decided that members should have the opportunity to participate in a study if they so choose.

Since our primary concern is with the safety and comfort of our members, researchers will be required to satisfy us on the following points before we consider allowing them to request your participation:
  • 1) A brief description of the study, including a description of the aims, methods, and the identity of the sponsoring institution/organization. As a rule, we will only consider distributing participation opportunities for studies that are affiliated with an academic institution or a non-profit research/advocacy/services organization.
    2) A brief description of the lead investigator, and if the lead is a trainee, information about the individual who will be supervising the work.
    3) A signed document asserting that the study has been reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board or Ethics Committee that can attest to compliance with human subjects protection standards.
    4) Access to a web page that describes the study, or a copy of an information sheet that will be given to prospective participants.
    5) The dates when enrolment will be opening and closing.
    6) A description of how findings will be shared with participants and others.
Please know that isurvive.org will not endorse any of the studies but, if the participation opportunity is deemed to be acceptable by the isurvive Board, an entry describing their study will be made here. It will then be down to you whether it is an opportunity you wish to further explore.
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Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

We have reviewed the following research request and are satisfied that the study meets all of our criteria as listed above.
If you require further reassurance from us then please make contact with Jonesy.

Please note: time is of the essence for this researcher so if you wish to participate then make contact quickly.
The study has been extended til 16th May



Dear Sir/Madam

I invite you to take part in an online survey, which aims to understand the views and experiences of self-identified ritual abuse survivors on the use of Online Support Spaces (Forums).

This study is aimed at people who self-identify as Ritual Abuse (RA) survivors, aged 18 years and above and have used or are currently using online support spaces to talk about ritual abuse.

This research is being carried out as part of my PhD study at the University of Dundee School of Education and Social Work, and the results will be used to inform others on how online support spaces are viewed and experienced by self-defined RA survivors.
This study will inform the understanding on the:

1. Barriers in offline services that have motivated ritual abuse survivors to seek support in online platforms.
2. Advantages of online support spaces as spaces and places that have helped ritual abuse survivors to overcome or minimise barriers encountered in offline spaces.
3. Disadvantages if any that ritual abuse survivors have encountered while utilising online platforms.

I understand that this may be a difficult topic, so resources will be provided at the end of the survey to all participants. Ethical approval has been received from the University of Dundee’s Research Ethics Committee.

If you have any ethical concerns with this study, please contact Dr Murray Simpson, Education and Social Work SREC Convener on m.k.simpson@dundee.ac.uk.

Please do not comment on this post or you risk identifying yourself.
To participate in this research please copy and paste this link in to your browser [do not click the link please]
https://dundee.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/view ... ors-on-t-4

If you have any questions or would like a full list of resources, please contact j.a.lumbasi@dundee.ac.uk.

Kindest regards

Joseph Lumbasi
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Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

We have reviewed the following research request and are satisfied that the study meets all of our criteria as listed above.
If you require further reassurance from us then please make contact with Jonesy.


Research participants needed for online survey.

What is it about?
The research is about how talking with other people about our traumatic experiences affects our levels of post-traumatic stress, and the role that particular emotions may play in this.

What does it involve?
You will be asked to complete an anonymous, online survey. This will take around 25 minutes. As a thank you for your time you will have the option to enter a prize draw from which five people will be selected to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

Who am I?
My name is Lily Lewis and I’m a Trainee Clinical Psychologist with Lancaster University. The research forms part of my doctoral thesis. I’m really passionate about this subject and hope that my research will help services to understand how best to support people who have experienced trauma.

Please do not comment on this post or you risk identifying yourself.
To participate in this research please copy and paste this link in to your browser [do not click the link please]
https://lancasteruni.eu.qualtrics.com/j ... VTQteGZehT. Thank you!
Board of Directors
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Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

We have reviewed the following research request and are satisfied that the study meets all of our criteria as listed above.
If you require further reassurance from us then please make contact with Jonesy.

Please remember to make use of our resources if you need support following participation:

My name is Maria Kokkinou and I currently study Forensic Psychology for my Master’s degree at Royal Holloway University of London. My main focus is investigating behavioral outcomes through complex cognition (memory, attention, and emotion regulation) for adults with history of childhood maltreatment.

1. Title of Project:
Do adaptations to negative childhood experiences have an impact on behaviour in later life?

2. Purpose of Project:
We are inviting participants over the age of 18 years who either have or have not had negative childhood experiences. This particular research investigates childhood adaptations and how these adaptations can affect an individual later in life. Particularly, we are investigating cognitive processes (e.g. memory, reward processing and emotional regulation) and their impact on social functioning and other behavioral aspects such as emotion-control, in individuals with and without negative child-experiences. Investigating these issues, research collaborating with clinicians can develop better intervention/counselling programs for individuals with a history of adverse experiences.

3. Method:
An online survey link will be communicated to you. You can click the provided link and you will be guided to the survey. No login is necessary. The maximum approximate time necessary to read and complete the survey is about 15 minutes.

To answer the questions, you are asked simply to read the statements and select a grade on the provided scale indicating how well the statement applies to you e.g. Never true to Very Often True or ‘1’ (Strongly Disagree) to ‘7’ (Strongly Agree). You will also be asked to complete very few basic demographic questions regarding your age and sex, etc.

4. Am I obliged to complete the study?
You are not obliged to complete the study. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and if you no longer wish to take part in the study, you can withdraw at any time without having to provide a reason.

The data that you provide for this study will be kept anonymous and confidential at all times as you will be known only by a number. Only the study supervisor and I will have access to the data collected. Additionally, you have the right to omit any questions you feel you should not or could not answer.

Link of the study (ctrl + click to follow the link): https://rhulpsychology.eu.qualtrics.com ... qA2zSx5NBP

We are aware that participating in this study could potentially bring to your attention issues which cause some discomfort. If you would like to seek support or have been a victim of childhood maltreatment you can call on:

UK Victim Support: 08 08 16 89 111 (24 hours, every day)

A charity giving free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family and friends.

SANELINE: 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day). A national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers.

If you've witnessed an assault or think a child is in immediate danger
Contact the police on 999 or call the NSPCC (UK) on 0808 800 5000 without delay.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this study please contact,
Or the study supervisor: Deirdre.Birtles@rhul.ac.uk
Board of Directors
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:04 am

Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

We have reviewed the following research request and are satisfied that the study meets all of our criteria as listed above.
If you require further reassurance from us then please make contact with Jonesy.

Please remember to make use of our resources if you need support following participation:

My name is Randi Lemoine and I am a candidate for a Master of Arts in Psychology at Southeastern Louisiana University.

The aim of this study is to examine explanations for why PTSD develops in some people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse; specifically, we are looking at the constructs of trust and betrayal regarding the relationship to the perpetrator.

The study is completely anonymous for participants, and you can withdraw at any point during the survey.
Resources are provided in case a participant feels any distress during or after the survey.

The study can be accessed via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V8JHTHD
Board of Directors
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:04 am

Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

We have reviewed the following research request and are satisfied that the study meets all of our criteria as listed above.
If you require further reassurance from us then please make contact with Jonesy.

Please remember to make use of our resources if you need support following participation:


Title of Project
Childhood emotional abuse and its relationship with wellbeing in adulthood:
A positive exploration of the subjective experiences of adults who have experienced childhood emotional abuse.

Researcher: Stephanie Tucker
Supervisors: Dr Jane Tobbell and Dr Andrea Gaynor

Closing date: 30/07/2021

Before you decide to take part, it is important that you understand why the research is being done, what it will involve and what will happen to data you provide. Please take time to read the following information carefully and do not hesitate to ask if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information.

My name is Stephanie Tucker, I am a Doctoral Researcher in the School of Human and Health Sciences at the University of Huddersfield. I am currently writing a thesis on ‘childhood emotional abuse and its relationship with wellbeing in adulthood.’ I require individuals who have experience of Childhood Emotional Abuse to support and assist me in completing my research.

What is the study about?
The research will be focusing on the narrative experiences of anyone who self identifies as having experiences of emotional abuse in some way during their childhood. The research will aim to enhance the understanding of narratives by listening to their unique story and how these individuals navigate meaning throughout their lives. Consequently, this will assist in future research and improve understanding of long-term effects, coping strategies and adult wellbeing in people who have experienced childhood emotional abuse.

Who is the target audience?
My aim is to conduct interviews with 20 participants. The criteria are as follows:
• Any gender
• 21 or over
• Self-identify as having experienced Childhood Emotional Abuse
• Must not currently be under any clinical care or have been within the last two years

What will I need to do?
Once the consent form has been returned and you are happy to proceed, you will be contacted via email and asked to take part in a short activity at your leisure, in the form of a piece of writing or a river of life, which you can bring and use in the interview stage.

The next stage is where you and the researcher will set a convenient date, time, and location as well as preferred communicational method (Skype, Teams, or face to face) to proceed with an interview in a relaxed form. This could take anything from 30 mins to a couple of hours. The interview will be audio recorded. The researcher will then go away and listen to the audio recordings to make notes for an additional follow up interview where further questions can be asked around the interview in a semi structured format at a later stage.

You, the participant, are in control throughout the study. If at any stage you feel it is too challenging or distressing to continue, you can stop the process or take a break and come back to it at another convenient time.

Once the data has been collected, it will be analysed into transcripts. You will have the opportunity to clarify that you have been represented correctly and are happy with the interview transcripts.

Do I have to take part?
If you decide to participate, you will be asked to sign a consent form. A decision not to take part will not affect you in any way.

Who is conducting the research?
Myself, Stephanie Tucker, a Psychology PhD research student at the University of Huddersfield. I will be under the supervision of Dr Jane Tobbell and Dr Andrea Gaynor.

For any further questions regarding this study, who can I contact?
Stephanie Tucker – stephanie.tucker@hud.ac.uk – PhD research student
Dr Jane Tobbell – j.tobbell@hud.ac.uk – 1st Supervisor
Dr Andrea Gaynor – A.Gaynor@hud.ac.uk – 2nd Supervisor
Address: Department of Psychology, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, HD1 3DH

Who will have access to the data?
The data will be confidential to the research team. Various people will view the study findings such as the researcher, the research supervisors and examiners. However, it is important to know that any personal information, detail and recordings will be dealt with in the most sensitive manner and remain anonymous at all stages, by replacing original names and places with alternative names.

What will happen to the data collected?
Personal data shared by participants in this study will be held confidentially by The University of Huddersfield in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.

• The University is the Data Controller and is responsible for its secure management. The research team and transcribers are the data processors.
• No information provided will be shared in a way that would allow participants to be personally identified [except where legal obligations would necessitate disclosure by the researchers to appropriate personnel].
• The data will be securely stored for 10 years, unless particular funding bodies or regulators have longer or shorter retention periods. It will then be safely destroyed.
• Quotes used in any resulting book/article/report or other publication will be [anonymised or pseudonymised].
• Any audio recording made to aid accuracy, will be stored digitally by the University for the standard retention period of 10 years.
• No photos/videos will be taken.
• The data will not be transferred outside the European Union.
• The University of Huddersfield is the Data Controller. Complaints should be addressed to the University Solicitor (the Data Protection Officer). The University’s Data Protection Officer is responsible for managing the University’s Data Protection compliance as well as coordinating data protection requests from individuals. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at data.protection@hud.ac.uk
• Appeals can be made to the Information Commissioner’s Office if a participant is not satisfied with the response from the University.

Please also note that if at any point it becomes apparent that participants or anyone else is at risk of serious harm or they reveal a criminal offence for which they have not been convicted, further action will need to be taken to protect those at risk.

Ethical Approval

The project has obtained ethical approval from the relevant School Research Ethics Committee at the University of Huddersfield.

If you would like to take part, you can email me at stephanie.tucker@hud.ac.uk
I will then get in touch with you over the phone or virtually through Microsoft Teams or Skype to help me better understand if you would fit the criteria for the study. I would be extremely grateful if anyone could help support me with my research and appreciate the sensitivity of the topic.

I look forward to hearing from you,

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Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Jonesy »

Regarding the above study:

Stephanie would like to thank those of you who have already participated and is wondering if anyone else would like to take part?
You are important

Email: jonesy@isurvive.org
Board of Directors
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:04 am

Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by Board_of_Directors »

We have reviewed the following research request and are satisfied that the study meets all of our criteria as listed above.
If you require further reassurance from us then please make contact with Jonesy.
Please remember to make use of our resources if you need support following participation:


Welcome to part one of the; "Self and Identity in Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse’’ Study

My name is Cristina Tabacu. I am a trainee clinical psychologist and would like to invite you to this research project that I am conducting for my doctoral dissertation. My research aims to better understand factors related to recovery in adults who experienced child sexual abuse.

Before you decide whether you would like to participate, you need to understand why the research is being done and what is involved in participating. Please take the time to read the information carefully. If you have any questions or the information you are reading is not clear to you, please contact me for more information at the e-mail address provided below. Before you participate in the project, you will be asked to sign our online consent form. Please take time to decide whether you would like to take part.

What is the purpose of the study?
This study aims to explore the relationship between self, identity and posttraumatic stress in survivors of child sexual abuse. With our current understanding of the high incidence and significant impact of child sexual abuse, greater research and awareness are still needed to support male victims in their efforts towards recovery. It is hoped that this study will add to the growing body of research into the mechanisms that put male child sexual abuse survivors at a disadvantage in terms of recovery.

Why have I been invited?
You have been invited to take part in this study because you are someone who has disclosed and sought support following your experiences of child sexual abuse.

Do I have to take part?
The study aims to seek out survivors of child sexual abuse worldwide, and participation is voluntary. If you decide to take part in the study, you will be free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason. A decision to withdraw at any time, or a decision not to take part, will have no bearing on your current or future contact with the service you are currently receiving support from, as the study and researcher are independent of the service used for recruitment.

What does participation involve?
If you decide to take part in this study, you will be invited to complete an online survey which will be advertised on the survivor's websites. In the first part of the study, you will be directed to a page where we will ask for your consent to use your data for the study, and you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to assess your mood and demographic information. If your mood is currently stable and you agree to participate in the study, you will be invited to complete the next stage of the study, comprising self-report measures and open-ended questions. This study consists of different types of questions. Some of them will ask you about your responses and thoughts following your experience of child sexual abuse or unwanted sexual contact prior to the age of 18. To protect your anonymity, it is better to omit personal details from descriptions of experiences. Some of the questions will focus on your experiences of seeking support or will look to explore your current mood, attitudes or beliefs.

Once the questionnaire has been completed, you will be guided onto a debrief page, and then you will be able to close the study. All participants who complete the first part of the study will be given a chance to enter their e-mail address for the prize draw by following a separate survey link. At the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to request a copy of the final outcomes of the research.

What are the benefits?
Whilst there are no specific personal benefits from taking part in the study, this is an exciting opportunity to contribute towards research into the mechanisms that put male child sexual abuse survivors at a disadvantage in terms of recovery. As a thank you and reimbursement for your time we are offering, respondents are able to enter into a prize draw of four £100 Amazon vouchers.

What are the disadvantages of taking part in this study?
The questionnaires might upset you temporarily as they might bring back memories of your experiences or elicit some feelings in you, which may be distressing. We, therefore, advise that you do not take part in the study if you currently experience very high levels of low mood. The questionnaire has been routinely used in survivors of child abuse, and in the unlikely event that you experience very high levels of distress after completing the survey, we advise that you contact your GP/family doctor or healthcare professional. In addition, you can also find support information about support groups in your area and helpful contact numbers in case you decide to seek additional help. If you are concerned at any point, it might be helpful to see your GP.

What will happen with the results of the research study?
The University of Exeter processes personal data for the purposes of carrying out research in the public interest. The University will endeavour to be transparent about its processing of your personal data, and this information sheet should provide a clear explanation of this. If you do have any queries about the University's processing of your personal data that cannot be resolved by the research team, further information may be obtained from the University's Data Protection Officer by e-mailing iongovernance@exeter.ac.uk. or at http://www.exeter.ac.uk/ig.

This study will be conducted as part of the requirement for a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, in accordance with the ethical procedures of the British Psychological Society (BPS, 2009). The study will be written up to appear in one of the scientific journals, with the hope to inform other clinicians and scientists who are working to support people affected by traumatic experiences and their families. In any written report or publication, all identifiable information will be removed, and participants' identity will remain confidential to the research team.

All information will be stored on the university secure server (OneDrive) on a password protected laptop, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018). Any identifying information will be replaced with codes and not shared with others outside this research study. Data, including the e-mail addresses provided for the prize draw and the participants' IDs, will be only accessible for the main researcher (Cristina Tabacu, ct653@exeter.ac.uk) with the supervisor (Dr Anke Karl) only having access to the anonymised data. All data will be deleted in September 2023 and only the final report will be kept with no identifiable information. Every effort will be made to ensure that participants will not be identifiable from the final write-up or any publications.

The confidentiality may be broken if participants disclose risk to themselves or others. This may result in the researcher informing relevant services and/or the University of Exeter. You can request that a copy of the findings be sent to you when it becomes available.

Who is organising and funding the research?
This research is being conducted as part of the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology training. The research sponsor is the University of Exeter. No additional funding has been obtained for this research. The researchers will not obtain any payment for conducting this research.

Who has reviewed the study?
This project has received approval from the Ethics Committee at the University of Exeter and will be reviewed by the University of Exeter's School of Psychology. The project is being supervised by Dr Anke Karl, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology and Affective Neuroscience, and Cordet Smart, Research Lead for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Exeter.

Contact for further information
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the project and wish to complain, please contact Nick Moberly, Chair of the University of Exeter Ethics Committee at n.j.moberly@exeter.ac.uk. You can also contact Gail Seymour, Research and Ethics Governance Manager at the University of Exeter. Gail can be contacted at the following address:

Research Ethics and Governance Office
University of Exeter
Email: g.m.seymour@exeter.ac.uk
Telephone: 01392 726621

Cristina Tabacu
Trainee Clinical Psychologist
University of Exeter
School of Psychology
Washington Singer
Exeter EX4 4QG
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Re: Want to participate in a study?

Post by poodledoodle »

Thanks for posting some of these. Years back on my own I had inquired about if there was any research being done in suppressed memories, but the person said they didn't know of any.
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