Persuasiveness of words

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Persuasiveness of words

Post by Crow »

Persuasiveness of words

The letter was sent with a request
to make an appointment with the social worker.
It was vague, but clearly of urgency.
Behind the parents' front they were rattled.
After interrogating their children, a letter was written,
and sent with the children's coerced signatures included.
This was to explain away the concerns that services had,
to deny and conceal the abuse that the child had disclosed.
Twenty three years beyond that event,
the child now grown, for the first time, read a letter that had been sent to him
all those years ago to his abusive parents' home.
He had never seen the social worker's acceptance of his parents' words.
And the resulting letter from the social worker
only served to put the responsibility for his safety on him - the victim.
Persuasive words had denied him from receiving help,
and silenced his desperate voice.
A little boy hides in an adult's disguise.
Quote taken from an original poem that I have written.
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Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:08 pm

Re: Persuasiveness of words

Post by Tryingtostayafloat »

Hi Crow,

I'm sorry this is how it was for you, your letters of war made so much sense for me.
I have read my medical notes from well all of them. And that was so hard to see it all there, all the times there had to be something wrong with me from so young.
I have access to my social services, but I'm not quite ready for that yet.

I find it so difficult now as an adult with all the things I know about the world, how anyone did not see. Or if they did they chose to not act because it seemed ok. Like how bad does it need to be, surely they are trained and know baout things like liers and enablers and that children Don take these things up. The I look at my own story now, where I went to the police and they have everything but still yet to charge, there seems to be too many windows between what right and wrong.
The system sucked then and it still sucks now.

I'm glad your here now and able to process sthese things with art and your own words

I thought my heart was failing
Hey you're ok, you seem to be still standing
Flashes appeared in the corner of my eyes, I saw the stars and I didn't ask why
Heard the voices and caught my breath
So close and yet so far from death
-Florence + the machine
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