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Important, regarding GDPR

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 8:29 am
by Board_of_Directors
Hi everyone

We need to inform you that a new European Union law comes into force on 25th May 2018 called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

• The GDPR strengthens data protection and privacy by introducing tighter controls over the way organisations collect, store and use personal information
• The law says that you have the right to know what data an organisation holds on you and what they do with it
• You have the right to be forgotten and request deletion of your data
• Also, you now need to give clear permission for an organisation to gather and use your data

The Board of Directors has looked into what the GDPR means for and has taken the following steps to make sure we are following the new rules:

1. Changed our Privacy Policy, to describe how we store and use data
2. Changed our registration procedure, to make sure everyone gives consent for us to store and use data their data, and to make sure that all users are age 18 or older
3. Created a method for getting consent from existing members
4. Received assurance from our web site host that they are following the new rules
5. Made this post, so members will be aware of the new rules and our response to them

About the GDPR
To comply with the GDPR, we need to tell you that the required data in your account includes;
• a unique name (your “user name”)
• a personal password you use to log into your account (your “password”)
• a valid email address

Any information beyond your user name, your password and your email address that you enter during the registration process or later (like information you choose to put in your member profile) is optional. You should also know that will store all the IP addresses that you use to post with.

You have the right to decide what information in your account is publicly displayed. You also have the option to opt-in or opt-out of automatically generated emails, like the ones that tell you if a post you are following has a new entry. You are able to change your preferences from your User Control Panel (UCP) at any time should you wish to.

The personal details that you gave us when you signed up, or added later, will be used solely for the purposes of functionality. They will not be used for anything else and neither will they be passed on to any third party without your explicit consent. You can check, at any time, the personal details is holding about you from the Profile section of your UCP.
The only other information has about you is the information you post in the forums, all of which is governed by the site’s guidelines for posting.

How do I find out more?
The Information Commissioner’s Office website has lots of good information about the new law:

If you have questions or concerns feel free to reply to this post, or contact the Board directly on has always been committed to protecting the data and privacy of our members and we are pleased to be complying with the new GDPR law, to help keep everyone safe.

The Board