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The Forest

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 2:45 pm
by Stephie
As blackness creeps from the edge of my vision
I realize we never took more than what we were given
With a hand on my throat and a wall at my back
I'd like to leave here and never come back
You don't have to like me but you have to love me
Is the lie you always told
As you tightened your hold
And the only lie we're left to believe
Is that I love you and you love me
If you looked me in the eye and told me the truth
I don't think those words would ever take root
Theres not much room left.
The light here is shrouded
The soil is crowded
With this forest of lies planted in youth
The seeds that you've sown
The trees have all grown
And not one of them produces fruit
That could ever be confused with truth

Re: The Forest

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:58 pm
by DMT32
you are really talented ever think of getting like a book of poems together to publish?

Re: The Forest

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:31 pm
by Stephie
Thank you DMT32!
I haven't ever really thought of publishing...never thought I wrote anything anyone would really want to read.
Your comment really means a lot :)

Re: The Forest

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:52 pm
by DMT32
glad and for real think about it. do a little research. ive been writing stories about my whole life i write for me to get things out recently my sis told me i should try and publish tbh what have i got to lose by it? so dunno what the heck got me agreeing to it and ive been doing submission thing and got a partial request so far and just kind of doing it whenever not making it a stress issue cause if it stops being fun or changes my writing into a job then not worth it. ive no idea if im good enough to publish or whatever, but it actually has been a pretty cool process. you write anyways, why not? but yeah, i mean what i say i think its so visual it just takes me there and i find that to be the coolest thing to like have the world around me melt off and just be in the environment you create with your word magic :)